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  -    -  Moonis Ahmad Shah

Moonis Ahmad Shah

Using archival materials as references ranging from text, mass media, and cinema to historical documents I aim to establish an interdisciplinary art practice, which on one side uses archival material from the past and on the other side, newer technologies and programming languages to question the archive’s constitution, boundaries and materiality. It attempts to create a discursive mode of enquiry which not only challenges and examines the logics, tools and practices of representation which are used to establish the authority of the archive but creates reverse knowledge to access the archive as a tool of resistance against such authority. Such an approach establishes a subterranean and a nomadic approach towards organizations of histories and truths so that the archive can be an anarchic arena where futures are imagined and imminences are re-configured. My focus on the question of territorial claims on the landscape that have transformed contemporary identity is braided into such fictional archives and further problematized by using body as a site of contestation. Such play with Archive’s form, material and content offers a radical reading into the contingencies of crucial questions which the human condition faces in the current times such as communication amid urveillance,mass- migration, borders, occident and the orient, the binary of local and global. The work also moves away from solely re-affirming representations and information about local experiences and allows one to express, through fiction and play amidst the reality, an event of art which occurs at a point when the work expresses its own demise.

Artworks by Moonis Ahmad Shah